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About tnu

  • Rank
    Jedi Initiate
  1. tnu

    HK Factory.

    hehe sorry i'm so late to saying this. busy for a while at any rate thank you for all your help.
  2. tnu

    HK Factory.

    Thank you very much but I know this is splitting hairs but are you sure that the language spoken is Ryl? Most of the "alien language" presented in the game is actually mangled Huttese.
  3. tnu

    HK Factory.

    I know you guys probably hear things about this part of the game a lot but I'm not sure how to trigger it. I've had HK-47 in my Party for at LEAST four HK-50 encounters. There doesn't seem to be any change. was I meant to do something else in order to trigger it as well? Is there a certain dialogue option or item?