SaberMaker for KotOR and TSL 0.1.0

   (1 review)

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About This File

This is a simple Python utility that lets you create new lightsaber textures for KotOR and TSL. Note that (especially in KotOR) creating a new lightsaber colour requires more steps than this - a future project will make this a one-click process for users, but for now I'm releasing this as a standalone tool for mod developers.

You should have Python 3 installed. There are no other dependencies. Just download and unzip the zip archive from this page, and you should be good to go!

I'll be releasing a Windows .exe version at some point. If you're not comfortable using the Python script, either wait for that or ask me (or one of the many helpful people on DeadlyStream) to make your lightsaber textures for you.

Run the script using Python, with a command like


This will open up the editor. You can choose the glow and core colours for the saber texture, and then save it using one of the bottom two buttons. The texture will then be saved in the current directory.

There might be some bugs, but it's a pretty simple script and it seems to work fine.

The lightsaber looks dark in-game!
For a bright lightsaber, you should select a colour with both Saturation and Brightness parameters set to 100% (in the second tab in the colour picker). Then you can use the Hue slider to choose a colour.

Can I use this for my mod?
Sure, feel free to use the textures for your own mods! I'd appreciate it if you credit this tool for helping create the lightsaber textures.

Can I redistribute this program in its entirety (with or without attribution)?
Please don't redistribute this program elsewhere on the internet. I will keep it here, so you can point people to it.

How do I take this texture and put it straight in the game (not as part of a mod)?
I'm working (along with others on DeadlyStream) to make an "end-user version" of this tool, as part of a larger modding project. Stay tuned!

The lightsaber core looks weird!
You should probably leave the "Core" colour to its default value (pure white) to get lightsabers that look like the ones from the base game. But if you want to experiment, the option to change the core colour is there!

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Does exactly what it says on the tin. Very intuitive and simple. If you know what you're doing (there are guides online for making lightsaber mods that might need this) you'll have no trouble at all.

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