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This blog is made specifically for one unusual walkthrough of KOTOR 2: Restored Content Mod (plus M4-78 mod), which i plan to start soon. In it, no party member nor main character will be using any main-hand / off-hand weapon (i.e., no melee weapons, nor any blasters of any sort, nor any lightsabers), and on top of that, no active Force Powers. Yet, i aim to beat the game on Hard.


Droid side weapons (flamethrowers, stunrays, etc), grenades, mines and, of course, unarmed combat - will be my only offensive options. Defensively, i'll still take advantage from passive Force Powers granted automatically, obviously. Still, i'll remain as true to the Exile's "cut off from Force" as technically possible, for the entire game. As for other party members - it'll be Exile's command not to use Force Powers, and they will comply. :lol:



About the name of this blog.


This here is "unarmed combat mainly" walkthrough. Now, Benny Urquidez and Jackie Chan are two

. I respect both men immensely. Benny is depicted in movies quite dark side'ish (in real life, he's not, though), while Jackie is definitely light side'ish movie character, as usual. As i am still unsure which aligment i'll take for the walkthrough, and as i respect both men equally much, i combined their names to name this blog.



Starting the game.


Starting stats for this walkthrough would be:

- female Sentinel (with Weapon Master or Sith Marauder in mind)

- str 14, dex 14, int 16, end 15, wis 8, cha 8

And i decided planet order, too: Korriban; M4-78; Onderon; Dantooine; Onderon; Nar Shaddaa.

Unusual, eh? My reasons, if i'll decide to play this through, will be explained later.



But i am still unsure which aligment it'll be - Light or Dark side. Is there any significant difference in terms of unarmed combat between Dark and Light sides (keeping no-active-force-powers thing in mind, that is - means, for example, that Fury won't be in use)? None i could detect... If so, then it's likely i'll do Dark side this time. Mostly, anyways.



P.S. It's unlikely i'll start the walkthrough before July 20th. In the meantime, feel free to place your bets, gentlemen. Would i be able to beat the game (pun intended, hehe) on Hard, this style? I bet i would, but what do you think? :D


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