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Going Freelance

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I really am sorry for missing so many opportunities in which I could've done this earlier...


Running log #008...

OK, I'm going to pick up exactly where I left off last time. Right from when we took that Republic shuttle and flew off in it, working out where to go along the way.

Once we'd entered deep space away from any Republic territory, we decided that it wouldn't be very easy for 12 Mandalorians to destroy the Republic. Not impossible, I'm sure, but it would be far, far easier if we had some more people behind us. The only problem was, all the Mando'ade we'd got out of prison took the other shuttles and went to find mercenary work. And any Mando willing to fight for nothing more than money would rather have guaranteed income than possible galactic domination. So we headed to Nar Shaddaa again, to try and find some refugees willing to join the Second Mandalorian Crusade.

I won't bore you with the conversation that went on while we headed there, it was primarily about how best to fight the Republic without an army. That and debating the reasons for our vode to forsake their honour and get paid for nothing in the currency of our enemy.

Once we docked, we came surprisingly close to a replay of what happened last time we came to the Smuggler's Moon. This time, however, we didn't stop to think about how Republic officers could survive in that area, and simply said to ourselves "they don't". I'm sure you can guess how we acted on that, I'll only tell you the details if you ask me to. That act brought the attention of some local (non-Mando) Exchange muscle in the form of a Devaronian holding a vibroblade. However, contrary to our expectations, he didn't attack us but spoke to us, trying to soften us up with empty compliments about our style of murder before attempting to make us the hired goons of foolish not-actually-crime-lords-who-have-inflated-opinions-of-themselves. We took that as an insult to our honour, and did much the same thing to him as to the Republic officer.

We then walked through into the main part of this portion of the Refugee Sector (the one we landed in - Sectors of Nar Shaddaa are huge places), and found some worn, malnourished looking people of all species that appeared to have no fighting spirit whatsoever. That led us to believe that there probably weren't any Mando'ade around, but we looked anyway, just to be sure. Most of the refugees ran away in fear of 12 warriors in beskar'gam, so that meant none of those that did were people we were looking for.

About half-way of our tour of the area (by which we had found no one) we were stopped by 3 Gammoreans; we then found ourselves with 3 Trandoshans behind and 2 Weequay either side of us. They seemed to be angry about us killing that Devaronian, and the way we were walking around as if we were the owners of the Sector (here they referenced a person named Goto, who I'm guessing from the name is some kind of droid overseer). They then ordered us to go to the local Exchange building, and pointed to a large structure to the left of us. We killed them all and then decided to go there anyway.

Just to inform you of the kill count against the most powerful force on Nar Shaddaa since our arrival, it's now 9.

By now the Exchange presence in the area was furious with us, so we thought we could have some fun along the way to their HQ. That generally involved the death of every enforcer they had in the area (all the armed ones, at least. The unarmed ones weren't worth the energy), and since they were rather pathetic fighters, I didn't go into the bloodlust I usually do in battle, so I can tell you exactly what each kill was like. They were, as I said, pathetic fighters though, so there really isn't much to say. I'll skip onto when we reached the doors of the compound instead.

Now, when I say "doors", when we reached them they could only be considered such for a short time. They were then only able to be seen as burning wreckage. As our demolitions expert said, "use all the mag-seals you want, but nothing can stop a well-made bomb". That explosion spared us the effort of killing the unlucky or'diniie that were meant to be guarding the door. Blowing the door up also served as a very clear notice saying "the Bralor Twelve have Entered the Building", causing most Exchange muscle in the compound to come at us with force pikes, vibroblades and rifles. That was the most fun we'd had since coming the Nar Shaddaa. Suffice to say strength in numbers didn't work for the Exchange that time.

Killing almost everyone in the building meant that looting it was boring, as there was no one to stop us. I won't tell you what we got, as you can probably imagine what an Exchange compound contains. Instead, I'll get to when we came to the local Exchange overseer's office.

We were expecting to see someone who actually looked the part of a person who wants to look like a powerful crime-lord, but instead we came across a small green Twi'Lek with one lekku and four angry Gammoreans with large axes. What happened next was very, very similar to the conversation we had with the Devaronian at the docks, only longer, and with more fear on behalf of the Exchange representative (you've just had every single one of your men killed by the people standing two feet away, it's quite scary). Eventually we got bored of his monologue and shot him, then shot his bodyguards. And that's the end of the Exchange presence in Nar Shaddaa Refugee Sector Complex Grek. That's also the end of our stay on Nar Shaddaa in general. Yes, we were pursued by people with weapons, yes, they died, and yes, we were pursued out of the Nal Hutta system. No, the shuttle we arrived in didn't have weapons, but we stole a craft that did. It was much faster than the shuttle, and had decent weapon systems (decent for normal ships, awful by our standards). Yes, our pursuers in space died as well.

Next log will follow on, I'm not recording any more now.


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