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The Battle of Dagary Minor

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Sorry it's been a while, my hard drive nearly died, but anyway...



Running log #003:


You could feel the tension in the air from the hangar. The anticipation of blasting down on the Republic, taking yet another planet without a challenge. It almost felt routine now to get into a Basilisk, be told to deploy, and start crushing resistance.


Well, it was probably like that. I wouldn't know. Because while the front liners were doing that, I was sat in a small command chamber not debating tactics with the other strategists. Why wasn't I putting my ideas across to the rest of the tacticians? Because they had Specialist training, and, despite my recommendation from the Field Marshals, they wouldn't listen to a recruit. I was better than most of them, even though I was fresh off Dxun, but they refused to acknowledge the evidence.


Whenever I did actually bother to say something to the arrogant fierfeks, they just totally ignored me. I mean, I would put forward an idea that none of them had even considered but would be extremely effective, and they would just totally disregard it. If they even bothered listening to it.


But then the troops were given the order to engage the Republic in combat, and after that, things got really frustrating. Because that was the time when what everyone said was supposed to matter, and they actually bothered to consult me once every century. Of course, when they did ask me for my worthless opinion, they always "corrected" me with their strategies, which weren't actually as good as what I had said. And that's why I simply shut up and let them argue over their failed tactics.


After about half a battle of this, I got tired of being ignored by people who weren't actually as good as Command thought they were. So I contacted the Flagship, and requested a position transfer. That's right, I was joining the front liners. I'd bailed out on territory defence several times, as you know, but this was the first time I'd left tactics. They knew my prowess with where I was going as well as my skill in the station I was leaving, so they granted my request, then themselves gave me a request. They wanted me to lead a squad. That was the perfect position. I could be front lining as well as doing tactical work. So I got my newfound soldiers together and headed off to the hanger with the spare Basilisks in.


Even that couldn't get me away from the tacticians. I still had to follow their orders over comlink, or so I thought. I decided to plan my own strategies from there, show the people up in the control room I'd come from just how good I was, so I simply cut my connection to Tactical Control, ordered my men to do the same, and told them I would be taking over our plans.


I'm not going to bore you with the strategic information, or at least not now. If you want me to, I'll make a log detailing my various strategies. But I digress. Back to the battle.


You know how things go in a fight like this from last log, and if not, then I advise you to read it and find out. The assault succeeded and Dagary Minor fell from the Republic. My squad was instrumental in the victory, and I imagine things would go differently if I did what I was told. The officers who had recommended me for tactics could see that, but most others couldn't. It was only due to intervention from one particular Field Marshal that saved me from a fair load of punishment on the grounds of Failure to Follow Orders.


And not only did the Mandalorians win a battle that day, but I did personally. I showed Canderous Idiot the importance of having a fully functional brain, and also won an entry into Advanced Tactical Training. If you actually want the Log of Tactics and Strategies written, I'll write about that for you.





I've written 3 and had no complaints, what could I do better?


Also, where should I do the next one?

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that was real good, i saw a few gramatical errors, but they not really noticable, and i cant complain, because i dont put alot of effort into my writing(as u can see)

as for your next journal, im not familar with all the battles that the mandalorians were in, but if i went through kotor 1 again, and did all of canderous speakings, then i would find out more about the different battles :D good luk finding another battle to write about


edit* maybe u could write about the advaned tactcial training?

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Thanks. All I really did was go through Wookiepedia to find a battle we won, it just so happens that this is the one that the Exile and Xaart (on Onderon) were smashed up in.


OK, I'll get to work on the Tactics and Strategies Manual.

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