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Return of Hunger

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Lord of Hunger


Hello and greetings once more. As Kreia so famously said, it has been some time. I can't say I'm thrilled that all the previous blog entries are lost, but from what I understand of the circumstances we're lucky to have this site back and that is all that matters.


So where to begin?


For starters, some are wondering about the progress of the GenoHaradan Revisioning Mod. I'd like to let everyone know first off that progress has not ceased, but rather has made a leap forward. There had been a delay as a result of various real life factors, but now I can guarantee that the mod script will be finished by the end of this week. I will announce the completion of the script with a new progress thread that will be kept up-to-date.


I will also be posting in a separate thread a list of mods that I have tested for compatibility with TSLRCM.


Finally, I would like to redirect your attention towards a mod of great significance: Malachor VI. It is a project co-lead by Bead and VarsityPuppet to expand and refine Malachor V for TSLRCM in order to help improve the game's ending and eliminate plot holes. Although Stoney and Zbyl have made massive improvements to Malachor through TSLRCM, I feel that it is an area of the game that needs significant retouching...more so than any other.


Anyway, that's all for now. Here's to DeadlyStream being back online and hopefully staying that way. :D

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