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Premature end of the walkthrough



Yep, i lost interest in it, here's why.


To my surprise, Bao-Dur went Dark Jedi right after i went out of the Academy on Telos. Granted, i did take LS point hit in the military base (escorting out the NPC there to impress Bao-Dur, without Kreia in party at the moment), and i was as nice as i could be to him within the Academy, which probably gave three more influence bumps, but still i didn't expect him to get enough influence at this point. Perhaps dark siders get it a bit easier to convert Bao-Dur via gaining (not losing, as "expected") influence? Anyhows, i kept him at level 6 until we became Dark Jedi, then of course i levelled him up and equipped him best i could.


That made Korriban complete joke - yep, even despite no weapons and no force powers. Fully levelled party, plus Bao-Dur's extra unarmed damage perk, plus medium armors on both him and me (two sith combat suits, both bought on Telos) modified for extra defense vs melee and damage mitigation, - the party was pretty much untouchable, and no foes could stand against it for more than very few rounds.


Reached just few hundreds experience over level 15 after completing Korriban academy, with no corpses on the 1st map touched (more experience from Hsiss) and cave not entered. At this point, i knew i was able to go to Ebon Hawk, get level 16 and become Marauder, - with corresponding bonuses. With fully trained Bao-Dur, nothing could stop me all the way till very high levels (40+) anymore.


The initial plan to go M4-78 industrial zone and level via repeatable droid part donations is the only way i know to get to those very high (40+) levels for end-game. However, few days ago, it was confirmed as a bug by Hassat, and so i don't feel like i should anyhow promote its usage; and anyways, it's fixed now and should not be possible starting in very next M4-78 mod's release, i believe.


And without those droid part donations, ending the game being something like level 36...38, it still would be easy (if boring during boss fights). I've tested some armor setups vs lightsaber damage in my previous walkthrough and i know that with heavy % energy damage mitigation, it'd be definitely not hard to get through the end-game, if to do so without getting even level 40. Some 45+ or 49-50 for which i hoped could be a challenge, perhaps, but 36...38 wouldn't (much) be. Yep, even without force powers and weapons.


The only real choke point would be unavoidable going through HK-50 factory, at which point HK-47 would be very unable to win there with unarmed combat - he's miserable with it, - but my plan was to make tons of (quite cheap) ion grenades for him, some 800+, which should be enough to get through - they do substantial damage per turn vs 3+ targets. And few hundreds construction kits to keep him operational, of course.


Last but definitely not least is that i am not as bored as i was few weeks before, due to my decision to try out SW:tOR. So for now, i decided to at least postpone, if not abandon, this walkthrough. To myself, the point of "one can beat KOTOR2 unarmed and without any active force use" is definitely made, and in the process, i discovered that such a way to play the game can in fact be more interesting - at least in some many parts, - than normal going through the game. I definitely recommend to try it, perhaps adapted somewhat to the reader's desires if nesessary.


So if any of you gentlemen will decide to save the Galaxy by a force-hating face-puncing Exile - be smart about it and it will definitely work. Good luck! :D


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