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Level 13 (Telos complete)



Two significant fights since the last update. Other than that, still going easy. Experience-wise, i'm ~4k to level 14 right after flying away from Telos Academy, which is a bit worse than i hoped it'd be at this point.


1st significant fight, was three last mercenaries attacking Czerka office. Surprisingly tough, those three - they are deadlier than the group of some ~6 mercs right before them. They dropped my whole party during my 1st (lazy) take on them. But nothing three stims on Benny and few pauses couldn't solve during 2nd try.


The other, of course, is Handmaiden's sisters - the last 5th fight against five of them. During normal gameplay, the player is allowed to use Force Powers and melee weapon(s) during this fight, neither of which was available to me. Plus, this fight must be done without using armor, and there is that annoying feature which removes all buffs every time a sister is defeated. It's one of game's toughest fights even normally, and you may wonder how on Earth i've done it unarmed and with no Force use. Here's how.


1. 14 str and 14 str from the start, plus Sentinel class - helps;

2. 16 base constitution (by the time of the fight) helps more;

3. used as much +dex bonuses from equipment as possible (even low miss chance by sisters - helps here), advanced dueling (applies to unarmed combat), and master Flurry for damage;

4. at the start of the fight, used pause _before_ game pauses the game autimatically - this gives, i feel, up to ~2 seconds at the start of the fight;

5. ran to nearby corner of the mat, ASAP. Precision required - literally, centimeters matter;

6. two sisters went out of the mat right away. Their fault. They could wait in line, eh? :D Using mat's space tactically to reduce number of simultaneously attacking enemies - is completely fair move, in my book;

7. 1st turn, used Mandalorian melee shield, and used it every other or every 3rd turn further on, as nesessary - the total of two shield units were used for the fight (2x5x50=total 500 damage absorbed);

8. used advanced medpacs between shields whenever needed;

9. Flurry out whenever not doing any of the above.


Also used few stims, but i feel it wasn't really needed. Perhaps exept hyper-adrenal alacrity right at the start. Still, didn't hurt (much) to use them. Both hyper-adrenal stims and advanced medpacs were made in significant amount by Kreia - her wisdom bonus and maxed Treat Injury was useful for that. And, of course, maxed Treat Injury skill of Benny made those advanced medpacs quite efficient when used.


Now, i should achieve level 14 from all the Ebon Hawk talks, and then it's Korriban. Not sure how to go there in order to be able to talk with Kreia the moment i get to level 15. Might be tricky, and i definitely want to keep the cave unentered for later (much later) in the game. Well, i'll see what i can do... :D


P.S. By the way, while some of Ebon Hawk talks can only be done while actually being inside Ebon Hawk - in the same time quite some other talks can also be done outside, such as most T3-M4's player-made upgrades and some other ones. Why this matters? Because you don't get Kreia's experience bonus while inside Ebon Hawk, since she's not technically in the party. But outside, you do. So, for example, 6 T3-M4 upgrades which in total give 3000 EXP points, if done outside with Kreia in party - give 3210 EXP. Nothing too shabby!


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