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Level 6



Plans changed, and i started this walkthrough yesterday, kicking droids' butts to level 6 without any major problem. Worst fight, so far, was against three droids next to the main dormitories' door, where Benny was reduced to 1 or 2 vitality points in the end of the fight. HK-50, on the other hand, was defeated easily. Some details:


I've recorded HK-50 fight, but for some reason my MSI Afterburner software did not capture any sound. I tried to force software sound in game's settings, - same result. I have no idea how to capture videos from KOTOR2 with sound present, and in all other games MSI afterburner video capture works just fine... Any advice?


I took some effort to ensure maximum possible experience gains. For example, at very start of the game, i did not open the medical storage door right away. This door can be opened from nearby terminal, or by using Security skill "directly". The latter gives more experience than the former. And i could use Security right away, being a Sentinel. However, experience gain from Security scales with level (as well as experience gains from Demolitions, Repair and Computer Use skills). Which is why i kept that door closed - and all Secutiry-locked containers on the 1st map - until after i'm done with Dormitories, by which time i was level 5 and therefore, got much more experience from using Security to open starting map "locked" things.


Similarly, i left mines present in Tunnels map to be until i (almost) reached level 4, together with broken droid at the start of the map, taking out all droids on the map 1st. Etc etc. End result being, i arrived to the HK-50 fight just ~200 experience points short from being level 6.


With the experience gain (500 points) from the dialog with HK-50, i reached level 6 exactly in time to take passive force power which reflects blaster fire, as well as stage 2 of unarmed combat perk (granted at level 6 automatically), and both helped to deal with HK-50. I had some doubts whether to take the reflect thing, but decided it doesn't make sense to avoid this passive power while being forced, by the game, to use other passive power - Precognition. Besides, i couldn't resist the fought of being able to reflect blaster bolts with bare hands. Bulletproof monks and all, yep. :D


And i used 4 grenades at the start of HK-50 fight to take out his mines from afar (using Stationary behaviour for the whole party). By the middle of round two, mines were no more. Then Benny-chan left Kreia and Atton behind, still on Stationarry, went to HK-50 and kicked his butt with imrpoved flurry. His self-destruct explosion didn't hurt anyone - i took Benny-chan away in time, while Kreia and Atton were still safely afar.

In terms of loot, no +strength items so far; Benny-chan got her some gloves with +2 Dex and two skill bonuses; two pieces of heavy body armor are wasting space in the inventory (and no light nor medium armor, sadly); two head items with some skill bonuses; the rest is not worth mentioning.


I have found that Kreia does not use force powers at all while under AI control, if she's put to "stationary" behaviour. Useful. This means i won't have to keep Kreia under my direct control at all times - she starts with three force powers which are not restricted by armor, plus she can't wear armor at all, this all means she'll be able to use force-related powers (such as Fear and Energy Resistance, which she has from the start) if put to behaviour which allows to cast force powers. Which in this walkthrough is strictly forbidden. And i do want her experience bonus, which is why i'll keep her around.


Starting stats, as planned, were 14 14 15 16 8 8, and by level 4 i took 17th point into Intelligence. What can i say, i like 'em skills. Hopefully this -1attack -1damage for the whole game (two extra points into Intelligence) won't bite me in the butt too much. %)


P.S. The best way to complete sonic sensor quest in terms of experience - is to get all 3 pieces of the officer's speech, and only after that get HK-50 to speak the code using officer's voice. I guess, Benny-chan likes to have plan B whenever possible, hehe. :D


P.P.S. Benny-chan without capital "C" has its own meaning. And i like it. :D


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