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Fins' Ultimate Forceless Weaponless walkthrough of TSLRCM / M4-78

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Premature end of the walkthrough

Yep, i lost interest in it, here's why.   To my surprise, Bao-Dur went Dark Jedi right after i went out of the Academy on Telos. Granted, i did take LS point hit in the military base (escorting out the NPC there to impress Bao-Dur, without Kreia in party at the moment), and i was as nice as i could be to him within the Academy, which probably gave three more influence bumps, but still i didn't expect him to get enough influence at this point. Perhaps dark siders get it a bit easier to convert




Level 13 (Telos complete)

Two significant fights since the last update. Other than that, still going easy. Experience-wise, i'm ~4k to level 14 right after flying away from Telos Academy, which is a bit worse than i hoped it'd be at this point.   1st significant fight, was three last mercenaries attacking Czerka office. Surprisingly tough, those three - they are deadlier than the group of some ~6 mercs right before them. They dropped my whole party during my 1st (lazy) take on them. But nothing three stims on Benny and




level 10 (Peragus complete) + extra notes

So far, things went easier than i thought they would be. In fact, way too easy, allowing me to keep Atton at level 3 (saving his levels for when he'll become a Jedi, thus getting unarmed combat feats). Here's some notes about Peragus, early Telos and about some plans for the future.   During the 1st time i was controlling T3-M4, when he was going solo, i didn't let him destroy any single droid, despite the fact that it'd be easy with his shock arm (which is a side weapon and thus is possible t




Level 6

Plans changed, and i started this walkthrough yesterday, kicking droids' butts to level 6 without any major problem. Worst fight, so far, was against three droids next to the main dormitories' door, where Benny was reduced to 1 or 2 vitality points in the end of the fight. HK-50, on the other hand, was defeated easily. Some details:   I've recorded HK-50 fight, but for some reason my MSI Afterburner software did not capture any sound. I tried to force software sound in game's settings, - same





Hi!   This blog is made specifically for one unusual walkthrough of KOTOR 2: Restored Content Mod (plus M4-78 mod), which i plan to start soon. In it, no party member nor main character will be using any main-hand / off-hand weapon (i.e., no melee weapons, nor any blasters of any sort, nor any lightsabers), and on top of that, no active Force Powers. Yet, i aim to beat the game on Hard.   Droid side weapons (flamethrowers, stunrays, etc), grenades, mines and, of course, unarmed combat - will



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