[STATUS] Installation started 4/21/2020 2:33:20 AM... [Install] Appending strings to TLK file "G:\Games\Valve\Steam\steamapps\common\Knights of the Old Republic II\dialog.tlk" [Install] dialog.tlk file updated with 1 new entries. [Install] Installing unmodified files... [Install] Replacing file 650jedi.dlg in the Override folder... [Install] Replacing file 650kreia.dlg in the Override folder... [Install] Replacing file krehand1.dlg in the Modules\650DAN.mod archive... [Install] Adding file 650krehand1021.lip to the Modules\650DAN.mod archive... [Install] Adding file 650krehand1022.lip to the Modules\650DAN.mod archive... [Install] Adding file 650krehand1023.lip to the Modules\650DAN.mod archive... [Install] Replacing file pcdead_ebo2.dlg in the Modules\020EBO.mod archive... [Install] Replacing file 904mal.git in the Modules\907MAL.mod archive... [Install] Copying file 003PCDEAD2035.mp3 to the StreamVoice\003\PCDEAD2 folder... [Install] Copying file 650KREHAND1021.mp3 to the StreamVoice\650\KREHAND1 folder... [Install] Copying file 650KREHAND1022.mp3 to the StreamVoice\650\KREHAND1 folder... [Install] Copying file 650KREHAND1023.mp3 to the StreamVoice\650\KREHAND1 folder... [Install] Modifying GFF format files... [Install] File "kredisc3.dlg" already exists in archive "003EBO.mod", modifying existing file... [Install] Modifying GFF file kredisc3.dlg... [Install] Added new field to GFF file kredisc3.dlg... [Install] Added new field to GFF file kredisc3.dlg... [Warning] Blank value encountered for GFF field label EntryList\0\VO_ResRef, skipping... [Install] Added new field to GFF file kredisc3.dlg... [Install] Finished updating GFF file "kredisc3.dlg" in "Modules\003EBO.mod"... [Install] Saving modified file "kredisc3.dlg" in archive "003EBO.mod". [STATUS - WARNING] Done. Changes have been applied, but 1 warnings were encountered.